South Sápmi culinary and adventure trail
During the late summer of 2013 rogers&co was hired by the Svenska Samernas Riksförbund (SSR) to lead a project entitled “Be the international expert in marketing a Sámi Culinary and Adventure Route”.
The project aim was the creation of a Sámi culinary and adventure route in either the north or the south Sámi region.
The initial assessment stage was conducted in the late summer of 2013. The consultant and visitSápmi expert explored the route between Umeå and Ammarnäs in order to provide a value chain analysis, testing the hard and soft infrastructure, existing and potential product and experience development along with quality and sustainability standards and compliance.
During the early summer of 2014 the consultant and visitSápmi expert explored the south Sámi route linking Östersund with Røros in Norway.
rogers&co recommended that the south Sámi route had the strongest potential to attract ‘active foodie’ and adventure travelers with an interest in Sámi cuisine and culture.
The result was a development of a geomapping project for the south Sámi culinary and adventure trail.